Access to Counsel Pilot Program Celebration
October 10, 2024

Members of the Access to Counsel Advisory Committee at the Celebration.
Top Row (left to right): Lina Tabar and Norieliz DeJesus, La Colaborativa; Betsy Soule, MetroWest Legal Services; Renee Spencer, Tenant in Wellesley; Danielle Johnson, Boston Office of Housing Stability; Hed Ehrlich​, Greater Boston Legal Services; Cindy Rowe, Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, Sheila Dillon, City of Boston; Russell Engler, New England Law-Boston; Julia Garvey, Mass Coalition for the Homeless;
Bottom Row (left to right): Kate Worrall, Charles Consulting Group, Sarah Brynes, Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants; Ellen Shachter, Somerville Office of Housing Stability; Annette Duke, Mass Law Reform Institute; Kelly Turley, Mass Coalition for the Homeless.
On October 10, 2024, the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute with La Colaborativa and the Access to Counsel Advisory Committee hosted a celebration to mark a major victory.
After years of tireless advocacy by the Coalition with support from Lead Sponsors Senator Sal DiDomenico, Representative David Rogers, and Representative Mike Day and the Healey Administration, a dedicated line item for the Access to Counsel pilot program is now included in the FY25 Budget. The event commemorated the hard work that made this achievement possible and set the stage for planning the coalition's next steps. |
Check out Celebration on Social Media
Reflections of the Access to Counsel Campaign
ATC Slideshow by Mass Law Reform Institute