Who cosponsored Amendment 594 to H. 4219 and Amendment 257 to S. 2564 (American Rescue Act funding bills)
Lead Sponsors (Amend. 594)
Rep Ruth Balser & Rep Michael S. Day Co-Sponsors |
Lead Sponsor (Amend. 275)
Sen. Sal DiDomenico Co-Sponsors |
Representatives 1. Jack Patrick Lewis 2. Steven Ultrino 3. Mindy Domb 4. Paul McMurtry 5. Carolyn C. Dykema 6. Jeffrey N. Roy 7. David Paul Linsky 8. Vanna Howard 9. Carmine Lawrence Gentile 10. Alice Hanlon Peisch 11. Lindsay N. Sabadosa 12. Peter Capano 13. Tram T. Nguyen 14. Edward R. Philips 15. Maria Duaime Robinson 16. Sean Garballey 17. Erika Uyterhoeven 18. Tackey Chan 19. Jay D. Livingstone 20. Tommy Vitolo 21. Elizabeth A. Malia 22. Steven C. Owens 23. Kate Lipper-Garabedian 24. Christine P. Barber 25. Tricia Farley-Bouvier 26. Patricia A. Duffy 27. Meghan Kilcoyne 28. Adrian C. Madaro 29. James J. O'Day 30. William C. Galvin 31. Daniel J. Ryan 32. Nika C. Elugardo 33. Natalie M. Higgins 34. Kay Khan 35. Jon Santiago 36. Mary S. Keefe 37. Andres X. Vargas 38. Marcos A. Devers 39. Antonio F. D. Cabral 40. David M. Rogers 41. Daniel R. Carey 42. Joan Meschino 43. David Allen Robertson 44. John Barrett, III 45. Danillo A. Sena 46. James K. Hawkins 47. Danielle W. Gregoire 48. Michelle M. DuBois 49. Thomas M. Stanley 50. Kevin G. Honan 51. David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf 52. Paul W. Mark 53. Mike Connolly 54. Tami L. Gouveia 55. Liz Miranda 56. Natalie M. Blais 57. Rob Consalvo 58. Brandy Fluker Oakley 59. Jacob R. Oliveira 60. Russell E. Holmes 61. Bud L. Williams 62. Carol A. Doherty 63. Susannah M. Whipps 64. Richard M. Haggerty 65. Michelle L. Ciccolo 66. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. 67. Paul A. Schmid, III 68. Daniel M. Donahue 69. Gerard J. Cassidy 70. Marjorie C. Decker 71. Carlos González 72. Linda Dean Campbell 73. Kenneth I. Gordon 74. Adam J. Scanlon 75. Rady Mom |
Senators 1. Sal DiDomenico 2. James Eldridge 3. Diana DiZoglio 4. Patricia Jehlen 5. Sonia Chang-Diaz 6. Cynthia Creem 7. Michael Moore 8. Rebecca Rausch 9. Nick Collins 10. Susan Moran 11. Joanne Comerford 12. Anne Gobi 13. Patrick O'Connor 14. John Keenan 15. Adam Gomez 16. Brendan Crighton 17. Paul Feeney 18. Adam Hinds 19. Julian Cyr 20. Marc Pacheco 21. Harriette Chandler 22. Walter Timilty 23. Michael Brady 24, Mark Montigny 25. Joan Lovely |