2023 Testimony to the Judiciary Committee
in Support of Access to Counsel
On May, 9, 2023, the Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Eldridge and Representative Day held a hearing on H.1731 An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts (Lead sponsors: Rep. Dave Rogers & Rep Mike Day). The following people and organizations testified either at the hearing and/or submitted written testimony in support of the bill (click to view testimony where there is a link)
- Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell
- AARP Massachusetts, Mike Festa, State Director
- Boston Bar Association
- Boston Office of Housing Stability, Danielle Johnson, Deputy Director
- Citizens Housing and Planning Association, Abhi Kurve
- Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, Cindy Rowe, Executive Director
- Disability Policy Consortium, R Feynman, Senior Community Organizer
- La Colaborativa, Gladys Vega, Executive Director & Norieliz DeJesus, Policy & Organizing Director
- HomeStart, Vinny Wisniewski, Homelessness Prevention Program Director
- League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, Lorelee Stewart, Affordable Housing Specialist
- Massachusetts Catholic Conference, James F. Driscoll, Executive Director
- Mass Coalition for the Homeless, Kelly Turley, Associate Director
- Mass Law Reform Institute, Annette Duke, Housing Attorney
- Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants, Renee Spencer
- Metro Housing|Boston
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Mark D. Draisen, Executive Director
- Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts, Jessica Collins, Executive Director
- Somerville Mayor Ballantyne and Ellen Shachter, Director of the Office of Housing Stability
- Stoneham Tenants Association, Lisa Chuisa and Kenneth McPherson
- Volunteer of America Massachusetts, Charles Gagnon, President and CEO
- Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness, Pamela Schwartz, Director
- WinnCompanies, Trevor Samios, Senior Vice President of Connected Communities at WinnCompanies
- Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts, Jessica Babine, President